Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?


I have asked this question, been asked this question and seen this question posted on social media more times than I can count.

I loved my husband Shawn’s response to this very question to a man he counseled recently. It wasn’t stated in the exact words; “Why do bad things happen to good people”….but close.

The man wanted to meet and discuss his struggles. They ranged from failed marriages, to kids that were not speaking to him, to step kids that hated and rebelled against him, to a drug addicted brother who had been diagnosed with a fatal disease. It really did sound like a lot to handle. He did the majority of the talking and eventually said, “I wake up every morning and say, “Why me, God”!?

Shawn took a deep breath and without really thinking what he was allowing to come from his mouth, asked, “Shouldn’t you really be asking, “Why not me, God?”

  • Why hasn’t my child been kidnapped when I lost them in the store for 5 minutes!?

  • Why didn’t that person cutting me off on the highway result in a huge accident and even death?

  • Why when I was driving a little tipsy, did I not hit someone and kill them?

  • Why did my daughter not end up raped or assaulted when she went to that crazy party that could have changed her life forever?

  • Why did that lump not end up being cancer?

  • Why was I born healthy and able to walk on two feet?

  • Why have I been able to keep my job when others around me have lost theirs and even their homes?

A question that will steal your joy or attempt to re-hijack it daily is this question:

“Why do bad things happen to good people?”

Could it be chance? AND for that matter;

“Why do good things happen to bad people”?  

Could that be chance? In Mark 10:18 Jesus is called the “good teacher”, and His reply was immediately, “Why do you call me good? Only God is truly good”

If Jesus didn’t classify Himself as good, then why are we being the “good police” to determine where God has failed on the behalf of “good” people. It’s a huge and effective trick of the enemy. He has messed with people’s heads for a long time with this very question and he will continue for as long as he can get away with it in your life.

The thing I love and hate about FREE WILL is that we live in a world of choices and chances.Chances because we have free will and aren’t controlled by God, we make our own decisions. And choices, because we make our own decisions and aren’t controlled by God. Really, it sounds pretty fair. That sounds a bit calloused but let me expand on this thought.

We live on an imperfect earth. If only good things happened to everyone; it would be heaven, not earth. (It would also result in mass chaos; ever seen the movie, “Bruce Almighty”?)

There is also a very real “enemy who roams to and fro looking for whom he may devour….he comes only to steal, kill and destroy” and he never stops trying. So let’s put blame where blame is due, on the devil. Let’s get mad at him rather than at God since God is our only hope for peace, love, joy and eternal salvation from “bad things happening to good people”.  I guess that perspective comes out of a positive outlook, not a negative one. We will never be able to be positive consistently without the daily exercising and practicing of it to make that Joy muscle strong. But we also will never attain joy if we try to do that on our own. Our only hope is Jesus, He is the author and bestower of Joy!

Sonny Hennessy