Jesus in my Emotions


We aren’t thinking people who sometimes have emotions. We are emotional beings that sometimes think. In that case, I would be wise to get healthy emotionally. I can’t change other people in order to guard my emotions. I can only fix me….. 

There are 5 Priorities in my life – in this order: Jesus, myself, spouse, kids, extended family. I have to put Jesus first everyday and in everything. Next, I have to focus on my spiritual and emotional health so that I am at my best for my other priorities; my spouse, kids, family and friends. If I don’t focus on me, no one will. Where do I see need for help in me? What emotions am I expressing?

5 expressed emotions & manifestation:

1.   Anger can manifest itself in >Yelling

2.   Sadness can manifest itself in > Silence or Retreating

3.   Control can manifest itself in > Passive aggressive comments

4.   Apathy can manifest itself in > Feeling overwhelmed

5.   Insecurity can manifest itself in > Crying or worrying

Can you relate to at least one of those? I can to a number of them on any given day.

Expressed emotions nor the action are the root emotion or cause. They are the symptom of something from the past, something lingering.

Are you willing to let Jesus show you what happened to you? The majority of your healing comes from recognition of what happened to change us….as a kid, as a teenager, even as an adult.

Applicable Exercise:

1.   Take a paper and draw a long line and then hash marks to indicate each of the following periods in your life:

2.   Pre-Birth, Birth, Infancy, Toddler, Development, Elementary, Middle School, High School, College, Adulthood, Middle Age, Senior, Death.

3.   Now timeline: Write a sentence next to each stage as you remember something significant that happened or didn’t happen to you.

4.   Take a prayer journal (or just a simple notebook) and begin to write your questions and feelings to God about any time that you were hurt during your timeline. Record you anger, your grief, your confusion, all of your emotions as though you are writing a letter to Jesus Himself.

It has been psychologically proven (and experientially, spiritually proven) that “Pen to Paper” is healing.  

God intended we be whole and healed. 90% of the “FIX” is discovering what pain or tragedy from our past is the root of our emotional brokenness now.

Pastor Sonny Hennessy