Posts in Interior Design
Airbnb It

Have you ever had a guest stay so long you thought to yourself, “I need to start charging them rent!”? I have to wonder if this is how the concept of Airbnb came about. Or maybe it all came from the movie called The Holiday with Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz. In the 2006 movie, the two characters swapped houses for the same 2 weeks. I remember thinking what a great idea that was but wondering how you line up the switcharoo. Then enters Airbnb 2 years later in 2008!

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LIVE INSPIRED - Timeless Kitchen Renovations For less Money

When we moved into our 1948 home in Green Bay 6 years ago, the kitchen had been updated in the early 80’s. It was the worst room in the house. However, we had zero budget for renovations and had to make a decision quick; “Do we purchase the house and live with the most important gathering space being dreadfully ugly or do we find a quick and cost effective solution?” We went with option B.

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Meet the Designer

Each interior designer has their own "look." I wanted to use a few pieces from Greece to refresh and revive my drab, off-white bathroom. I quickly found a local handmade table runner to drape across a bench in my master bathroom and from that came the inspiration for an $80 design re-do.

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