Sonny Hennessy

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Demonic Activity is Advancing; How Do I Understand and Fight It?

Demonic activity is thicker and advancing: 

I want to unpack demonic attacks and alert you that when we are under a pointed attack, the last thing we "feel" like doing is praying out loud, in the Spirit, and calling it out to renounce it in Jesus name. 

Have you said to yourself this week; 

You failed as a parent, 

you're currently failing, 

you're a fake, 

you're not seen for what you do or who you are, 

you're not a good judge of character and can't trust yourself, 

you are rejected yet again and people aren't safe, 

you're an imposter, 

you're failing as a wife or husband,

you can’t take it anymore!?

I ask because it's been all.out.war recently:

-At The Reserve Retreat Center.

-At home when our new house doesn’t feel like ‘home’ to our grown kids and it is painful.

-I have heard the knocks and had police out to check for an intruder that wasn't there and wasn’t in the physical. 

-I have been dismissed and rejected by a speaker at a recent conference who I worked up the courage to go talk to because she is a farmer near the state I was a ranch girl in…I then felt shame for setting myself up for it.

-Also, small things become annoyances like: 

-Traffic seems to be worse today. 

-Errands took 3 times as long and robbed me of time I needed to finish this text today.

Satan’s strategy has many lines of attack (legions of demons): 

Combined arms is an approach to warfare that seeks to integrate different combat arms of a military to achieve mutually complementary effects. Combined arms hits their enemy with two or more arms simultaneously in such a manner that the actions we must take to defend ourself from one make us more vulnerable to another.

Our Insecurity is the crack to the enemy for His frontline of attack.

He weaponizes knowledge of our insecurity to send in that combat arm to get us off center, to have us say, “See! once again!” We are dizzied by the familiar and consider our feelings natural and frustrating and shameful. We even tell ourselves subconsciously, “this will always be my issue.” 

The next combat arm strikes in the same hour or day. We become fatigued, anxious, disoriented. This destroys our peace and even our sanity.

The next combat arm strikes from another angle and we can see the only option for it all to stop is to run. Run away and quit the people, the job, the project. It seems like the only way to make it stop. At best, it seems like maybe God is trying to show us a ‘sign’. We are now confused at hearing the voice of God, or of the enemy, or of people’s advice and opinions. Confusion is where we land. We started in insecurity and now we end our week in insecurity.

The opposite of insecurity is security. Think of an alarm system when armed, it says: "perimeter secure". 

I keep hearing God say, “Batten down the hatches” Which is a NAUTICAL term meaning: 

To secure a ship's hatch-tarpaulins, especially when rough weather is expected.
To prepare for a difficulty or crisis.

That's meant for us to secure the cracks and doors and seams where a storm can get in. 

Don’t miss this; it’s not to retreat from the enemy.

Secure your insecurities. Seal them up, not by ignoring or avoiding them, but calling them out in yourself and speaking life over yourself to rid the insecurity once and for all. It’s actually a selfish and ‘me-focused’ act to recite and act out your insecurity over and over again.

Although our insecurity was created from a wound, why are we putting it on display for the enemy? Let it heal into a scar. You know it's there but it's not an open, active wound.

The enemy can't access it through the touch scar tissue that is built up as James 1:2 instructs us: Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance (scar tissue). And let endurance have its perfect work, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all without hesitation and without reproach; and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, without any doubting—for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the windFor that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord— he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

Insecurity makes us unstable. Left untreated and untested, we become double-minded. Confused in all our ways when the enemy sends his combat arms. 

So….write down your insecurity and acknowledge how Satan is pushing in on it. We are not fighting our husband or wife or even adorable little kids whose sharp words in moments of weakness, immaturity and insecurity may be straight from the pit of hell. He highlights their action or lack of action to us so we will say, “SEE! I am rejected, I am passed over, I am unappreciated, I am abused and discarded.”

That’s the lies of the chief liar himself. Pray for yourself and against the devil and he will flee in Jesus name!